
On the First Day of the Week: God, the Christian and the Sabbath is unavailable, but you can change that!

In an increasingly secular world, the personal and social benefits of Sabbath-keeping are continually eroding. The church—not just the world—is finding it increasingly difficult to defend the traditional view that the fourth commandment is still binding on us, and that God wants us to honor the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, as a Christian Sabbath. This book examines some of the issues...

need does God have to rest or to sanctify part of a perfect creation? No; his purpose is to establish a chronological pattern, to call the attention of man, whom he has already created, to the fact that in his world there are special places and special times for drawing close to God and for honouring him. The older theologians used to talk about ‘creation ordinances’. Before any laws were given or enacted, God ordained certain patterns for his world, which were to remain absolutely fundamental to
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